Saturday, September 19, 2015

Primedice - Free BTC to play with NO LIMIT -

Hello everyone, this is my first blog post here and I wanted to talk about a site I've been on for a while. It's called Primedice, it's a BTC gambling website. It's a dice game that you can pick your odds in, ranging from 0-100. I usually do x1.4, x1.3, switching between under and over. At a 70% win chance it doesn't work out to bad.

 A lot of people don't like to gamble but on PD you can do fairly well, I've seen it happen and it's happened to me. Now I don't want to make this seem like some get rich quick or anything because at first playing off the faucet is hard and it takes a little while to build it up. Mine is at around 2000 satoushi every 3 minutes. 2000 sat or .00002000 BTC doesn't seem like much but you can build that into quite a bit fairly fast depending on how you bet.

Registration is no hassle, no credit-card or anything like that required. You don't even need your really name on there, it's all just usernames and that's it. But the best this about it is that it come with a built in faucet, so if you run out of btc to be you can claim more. There's a level system to, the higher power level you are the more you can clain from faucet. Up to a max of 10,000 satoushi at max level. Its pretty easy to take that and turn it into 20 or 30 dollars worth of BTC in a day or so with reasonable bets. Be sure to click the lick below and give it a try. I mean you could win.

In my next post I'll talk about some of the automated betting bots you can use with primedice. I will also provide the links to several bots you can run outside of your browser. Well expect a lot more about PD in my next post, I'll also talk various strategies and setting for the auto-betters.

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