Okay so I kinda left you all hanging on the last post and didn't really explain anything. First of all sorry and second of all, I'll explain everything...
Lets bring up that code again...
It all is a bit messy and unorganized but the program is broken down into 3 functions. And the control on those functions all comes down to this piece of code:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim increase = txtbx_increasepercentage.Text
If increase > 200 Then
Call above200()
ElseIf increase > 100 And increase < 200 Then
Call between100and200()
ElseIf increase < 180 Then
Call below100()
End If
End Sub
This is for the main calculate button. It can invoke one of these 3 functions: below100, between100and200 and above200. Each one of these functions executes an algorithm that will display the output into the list box.
Example of function above200;
Private Sub above200()
Dim n As Integer
Dim sum = txtbx_basebet.Text
Dim rolls = txtbx_rolls.Text
Dim increase = txtbx_increasepercentage.Text
Dim increasefinal, rolloutput, sumnew As Decimal
Dim BillPlus As Decimal
sumnew = 0
ListBox1.Items.Add("Bet" & vbTab & "Sum")
ListBox1.Items.Add("Basebet = " & sum)
sumnew = sum * 10000
increasefinal = increase * 0.01
n += 1
rolloutput = sumnew * increasefinal
sum = rolloutput / 10000
sumnew = sum
BillPlus = Format$(sumnew, "0.00000000")
ListBox1.Items.Add(n & vbTab & "%" & increase & vbTab & BillPlus)
If n = rolls Then
Exit Do
End If
End Sub
Anyway there's how my program works, hope you enjoy.
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